
We recommend 4+ players for Smart

What do you need:

1 deck of cards


Mixed alcohol (Beer, RTD’s, wine or whatever you like)

1 Glass per player


How to play Smart:

The first player start the game by taking a card from the deck of cards. Depending of what is on the players card, something different happens:

Ace – Red: You may pour 2 cl of Vodka into a glass of your choice

Ace – Black: You must pour 2 cl of Vodka into your own glass

2-10 – Red – You may pour 2-10 cl of alcohol into one of the other players glass, depending on the value of the card

2-10 – Black – You must pour 2-10 cl of alcohol into your own glass

King, Queen or Jack – Red: You may choose a person who must drink the entire content of their glass

King, Queen or Jack – Black: You must drink the entire content of your own glass

Joker – You may split the content of your own glass into the other players glasses. This is the way the worst mixes occurs.

The game ends when you run out of cards or somebody dies. It is not allowed to leave the game or go to the toilet, unless everyone decides to take a brake.

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