
We recommend 2+ players for Race


What you need:

1 deck of playing cards



How to play Race:

Take all the ace’s from the deck of cards and place them in a row. Make a line of face down cards to form the race track. The game works best with a maximum of 8 cards for the race track.


The players can now place bets on one of the four ace’s placed down. To make a bet, the player must drink the amount they want to put on their card. If they win, they can make the other players drink a total of 4 times their bet.

The game starts by turning the first card in the pile of unused cards. Each time a card is revealed from the pile, the matching ace moves 1 tile ahead.

Every time an ace reaches a face down card along the race track, the face down card is revealed and makes the matching ace move back one tile.

The winning ace is the first one to leave the race track in the end, which would be tile 9. The player can now divide his winnings unto the other players to make them drink.


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