Drunk FIFA

We recommend being 2-4 players for drunk FIFA

You will need:

A console

A controller pr. player

Alcohol (Beer is the most obvious)

How to play Drunk FIFA:

You will play FIFA the way you usually do, but there will be punishments for basically everything. This is the list:

Opponent scores – Bottoms up!

Your team gets a yellow card – Drink 4 sips

Your team gets a red card – Bottoms up!

Opponent gets free kick – Drink 2 sips

Opponent gets penalty – Drink 4 sips

Your team gets judged offside – Drink 4 sips

Your team burns on free kick – Bottoms up!

Your team scores at your own goal – Bottoms up, but x2!!

One of your team players are injured – Drink one shot

Pause the game – Bottoms up!

Rage quit / leave the game before its finished – Drink 5 of the worst shots you’ve got. 

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