Devils Bitch

We recommend 2 players for Devils Bitch


What you need:

1 deck of playing cards



How to play Devils Bitch:

Place the cards in rows, starting with a single card, to form a diamond (or 2 pyramids) of the cards. You can choose yourself how many cards you want to use for the game. You start the game by flipping the first card, so that the player can see it. The player must now pick a card from the next row and guess if its value is above or below. If the player guesses wrong, all cards are flipped back to being face down and the player must now drink. If the player guesses correctly, the game continues with the next row. The player is only allowed to pick a card connecting to the latest played card, to form a path through the rows. If the player reaches the last row, the game is won and the dealer gets to be the player instead.


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