Drinking Poker

We recommend 3+ players for Drinking Poker


You will need:

1 deck of playing cards


(Poker chips)


How to play Drinking Poker (Without chips):

The game works in the same way as Texas Hold’em Poker. The difference is that you bet with drinks instead of chips. Big blind and small blind can be 2/1 sips or something similar. To participate in the round, the players must confirm that they agree to the bet. First round is the only one where you can avoid drinking at all, as long as you haven’t got the big or small blind. After the first round, you can’t exit the game without drinking. When you place a bet, you agree to drinking that amount in case you lose. If you have agreed to a bet of 10 sips and another raises it to 20, but you don’t want to raise, you will have to drink 10 sips to leave the round.

The game continues until there is only 1 person left who can see their cards or until someone realises this might be a bad idea to continue playing.


How to play Drinking Poker (With chips):

The games works in the same way as Texas Hold’Em Poker. The players decide a value in sips (or shots) for each kind of chips and then distributes the chips among the players. The difference from the regular game, is that you can now pay your chips to “the game” to make other players drink its value. If you win a lot of rounds, you can use your extra chips to ruin the night for someone else. If you want new chips from the box, you will have to drink double of the value to buy them.

The game continues until there is only 1 person left who can see their cards or until someone realises this might be a bad idea to continue playing.

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